Jekyll Configuration

Posted on August 1, 2018

Jekyll transforms your plain text into static websites and blogs. Following steps will instruct you how to install and configure Jekyll.

1 Install Ruby & DevKit

Jekyll is a plugin developed with Ruby, so it will be necessary to install Ruby first.

Download Ruby here, where I select Ruby+DevKit 2.5.1-2 (x64).

Install them in a directory without any space, so you cannot install them in “X:\Program Files” as usual. Besides, add Ruby executables to your PATH.

Run following code in command prompt.

ruby -v

Version information shows whether Ruby has been successfully installed or not.

Then, make sure Gem has been properly installed.

gem -v

Version information shows whether Gem has been successfully installed or not. Usually, Gem will be automatically installed with DevKit.

2 Install Jekyll

You can install Jekyll with following command:

gem install jekyll

3 Start Jekyll

Change into your blog directory, then start Jekyll with command:

jekyll serve


jekyll s

Then visit (default) for preview.